shopping rewards programs

Did you know your regular shopping can earn our school money? It's easy for you to help, by enrolling in one, or all, of the following 3 programs! (Note: as of March 2023, Amazon has discontinued its Amazon Smile charity program)

Jump to: Kroger | Publix | Box Tops


Kroger Community Rewards: Go to

1. Sign up for a digital account, if you don't already have one.

2. Follow the instructions to link your Kroger card to Quioccasin Middle School PTSO. The QMS Organization code is: KF946 (Quioccasin PTSO)

3. Then just continue using your Kroger plus card as usual.


Publix Partners: Go to

1. Sign-in or sign-up for a Club Publix account, if you don't already have one.

2. Open My Account.

3. Click the link to My Publix Partner*.

4. Type Quioccasin into the search box and it should auto-fill,
    then select the school's name. 


Be sure to enter your registered phone number each time you checkout so the school earns rewards.



BoxTops for Education has gone digital! How to earn:

1. Download the free Box Tops app to your phone

2. Create an account and select Quioccasin as your school

3. Use the app to scan your grocery receipts within 14 days of purchase; any participating products will automatically earn 10¢ for the school!


If you're shopping online for groceries or get email receipts, you can still earn Box Tops. Just forward your email receipt to, using the same email that's associated with your BoxTops account, and the earnings will be credited within 1 day (If you don't have a BoxTops account, you can create one online or on the app)


Questions or issues signing up? Please email